Contract manufacturing of cosmetics

Produkcja kontraktowa kosmetyków w firmie ACC Consulting

Are you looking for an external company to develop and produce cosmetics under your brand name? Especially for people like you we have prepared an offer of cooperation! We will help you develop your brand at every stage – from cosmetic formulation to distribution. Check out below what we do specifically!

Contract manufacturing of cosmetics – is it worth it?

Many industries are now moving away from offering the same products en masse to the general public. An individual approach to the customer has become important. This is even more true in the cosmetics industry. Everyone has different needs and is looking for a brand that will meet their individual needs. Our Acc company offers contract manufacturing of cosmetics even in small quantities, so you can customize a given cosmetic at an attractive price for a specific recipient.

Many people come to the conclusion that in order to properly take care of their bodies they would have to create their own cosmetic formula. We then grasp at home remedies for hair, skin or nail problems. This is neither the best nor the cheapest way to deal with problems. The ideal solution is to produce cosmetics on demand aimed at even a small group of customers. The ordering party does not need to have a technological background, but only an idea for a cosmetic. That’s all to create your own brand of cosmetics.

There is a huge demand not to produce cosmetics on demand, as more and more people want to take care of their bodies in a more natural and customized way.

Komu proponujemy kontraktową produkcje kosmetyków

Order to produce cosmetics

Cosmetics production order With the service of contract manufacturing you will produce a product on attractive terms and in a small quantity. Especially one that larger production entities will not want to undertake.

Contract manufacturing of cosmetics

Is this kind of market entry effective? By all means! In addition, by outsourcing your services you get rid of the huge costs that are generated by the purchase of machinery and know-how, among other things. Outsourcing the production of your own cosmetics is one of the best ways to enter the market for new products. Click and learn more!

What does contract manufacturing of cosmetics entail?

Contract manufacturing is a unique type of contract, ideal for smaller companies – though not exclusively. This type of service involves contracting an outside company to produce a branded cosmetic. However, the client – the ordering party gives the manufacturer the product formula he has developed. He therefore has full rights to the formula of the cosmetic that is produced. Contract manufacturing of cosmetics therefore allows entrepreneurs to solve the problem of costly expansion of technological facilities.

Do the cosmetics commissioned for production meet all requirements?

Tak! Wszystkie kosmetyki, zanim przystąpimy do ich produkcji, są w pełni badane. Oznacza to, że spełniają one zarówno polskie oraz europejskie normy, jak i również wymagania, które sam określiłeś podczas konsultacji! Produkcja kosmetyków na zlecenie umożliwia zatem sprawne wejście na rynek kosmetyków, których wszystkie normy zostały spełnione.

Jak wygląda produkcja kontraktowa kosmetyków?
Jakie są etapy produkcji kosmetyków

Stages of contract cosmetics production

Once the contract is signed, we will purchase the materials necessary to produce the commissioned cosmetics. As a manufacturer, we are able to source ingredients at wholesale prices, which can significantly reduce the final costs you will incur.

The next stage will be the production of the cosmetic according to the commissioned formula. This stage is primarily a mutual, two-way cooperation.

Do you want to produce cosmetics?

Enter the market with new cosmetics of your own brand! Don’t incur huge costs for machinery, know-how and personnel. Our offer is just for you – fill out the form and start conquering the market!

How to launch your own cosmetics line?

Nowadays, content presented by bloggers and influencers is supplemented by their own lines of clothing and cosmetics. Many of them are specialists in their field, but need help to professionally create their own cosmetics. With help comes Acc, which will perfectly meet their needs. Acc’s offer includes outsourcing the entire process from formulation to production, and the ordering party has full rights to the cosmetic formula.

Based on your idea, we will prepare the ingredients and formula of the cosmetic in question. Your product will be tested by us, so we guarantee compliance with Polish and European standards. We use the highest quality materials.

Tworzenie własnej linii kosmetyków
Produkcja własnych kosmetyków

Is the production of cosmetics profitable?

Standard production of a line of cosmetics is expensive, as it requires investment in a high-tech production line. Using Acc’s offer, the entire production process is not only simpler, but also much cheaper. We source ingredients at wholesale prices, so we can offer an attractive price.

Traditional large contract cosmetics companies expect orders for large batches of product. This requires an expensive investment and a large number of end users. Our company takes on more intimate orders, so profit requires less investment.